The Happiness Factor
Winter is skittering in with cold winds and dark words. We are being assaulted with political bleakness and rising global Covid numbers. The warm summer sun we basked in is now fringed with autumn chills.
How do we keep hold of that summer happiness through the winter months ahead? Between politics and the pandemic how can we simply get through the grey days and de-stress the months ahead? Here are a few easy ideas.
- Plants and Fish: Believe it or not, both of these things are major happiness tools! If you start to panic at the thought of killing another plant, go for the cactus and succulents. They make any Brown Thumber go green with happiness. Double up your success with a goldfish or guppy bowl. Taking care of something alive jots up your happiness factor exponentially. Pets are awesome happiness supporters. Not all of us can manage a cat or dog in our lives but these are some less stress options.
2. Take a Walk: Easy in the summer, but with a winter wind howling, you might need to do a mental butt kick to do the plunge and get outside. Plug into your favorite music and get out that door. Set up a simple walking schedule. Take your new fish for a mental dog walk. Buddy up and rope a friend in from your safe, social bubble group. Change the view of familiar walls to- anything else. Look up and around. New sights will stimulate your happiness and chase away those grey day “blahs”. Pop a banana in your pocket for a happy snack.
3. Breath: Yep, you hear it all the time. Like we don’t do it naturally anyway. These are deep, slow, thoughtful breaths…Breaths that bring“breathing space” in your life and release tension. Unplug and put the noise of the world away for “small” manageable spaces of time. Happiness comes in small pieces that grow into peaceful days.
4. Practice “humble kindness” on yourself and those around you. Pay it forward and include yourself. Smile at a stranger, treat yourself. Think smaller, not bigger. Turn away from overwhelming busyness and noise.
Winter is coming. A pandemic winter. Take a break on yourself. Small tasks, big victories. Self care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Put that oxygen mask on yourself first, then reach out to your family, friends and neighbors.
You can do this. We can do this. 2020, winter is your exit sign. This will pass and spring will come again.