K vonKrenner
4 min readJul 8, 2020

The Era of Political Vs Practical Economics

It has always been a hard job to find the truth. Now, it takes hours of distracted virtual mining to find just a sparkle of pyrite or, “fools gold”. Like a carnival fun house, the news has become a series of contorted mirrors creating odd and twisted reflections. In other words, we see what we want to see. Reality is driven by our personal desires and google search algorithms. Now, we stumble along with a deepening state of coronavirus ennui. I’m not dead, it must be ok.

The world watches the US in fascinated horror. After months of lockdowns, nations around the world are cautiously stepping into a new Covid “normal” world. They stand by their borders ready to slam the entry gates again if needed. Annoying as it is peering down over a mask to read a label, it’s better than potentially killing your grandma. Obviously a foreign perspective. Trumpiteers seem to have a different regard about the old folks. Which begs the question, why is Florida a Red state?

The European Union recently began opening their borders to residents and visitors from a number of virus controlled countries including, China. The United States and Americans did not make that list. Nobody wants us. This time, the dollar is not king.

Nevada, Georgia, South Carolina and now Wisconsin have joined the parade of States with a growing viral saturation. The red continues to spread across the US like, well, a virus.

Elections crawl over the Covid news with distractions of new stimulus money, soon. Even as historically Red states go Blue, presidential promises of a 2nd “larger” check are waved as voter bait. Another divided message as more stimulus to “The People” is being rejected within the party. Additionally, time to actually pass a bill is rapidly walking out the door.

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La) was quick to state; “We just had great unemployment numbers.” He was referencing a recent, flawed report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While showing an unemployment rate decline of 2.2 percent to 11.1 percent in June, it fails to address; 1) a miss-classification error 2) allow for a time adjustment of when the report was taken and 3) people no longer filing, but still unemployed. Current estimate of unemployed, to date, is over 17.75 million.

Cassidy continued his statement with; “So, if it turns out the economy is recovering, that’s a good thing and direct stimulus checks might not be necessary.” A lot of “if”, “might” and “maybe” words that are about as transparent and informative as Mississippi mud.

This is an era of political vs practical economics. Vote baiting conversations as deceptive in their promises as a Las Vegas casino. Elusive logic smothered under divisive, nationalistic passion. We are battered by embittered arguments and opinions over an extra $600 un-employment payment. Where is the conversation on an equalising and national “liveable” wage? The federal minimum wage was last raised in July 2009 from $6.55 per hour to a whopping $7.25. If you want to splurge, a McDonalds Double Quarter pounder with cheese is $6.69. In 2019 the average rent for a 1 bedroom stood at $1,078 plus utilities. No wonder Millennials don’t want children. Who can afford the extra bedrooms?

In 2019 you did a jig and celebrated getting The job, found someone to split the rent with and had avocado toast. A booming economy allowed for a treat. You could afford to ignore those niggling “At Will” work policies. If they kicked you to the curb for no reason, there were plenty of other jobs to chase. Welcome to the 2020 pandemic.

Practical economics creates long term stability. Examples such as stimulus programs that pay for technical skills training. This would encourage internal manufacturing growth. A standardised, national liveable wage would keep those jobs here. Curbing outrageous education fees and clearing out student debt would mean they could afford to buy a house and have kids. That’s a growing workforce. A solid, social medical program ensuring workers and their families stay healthy. Removing “at will” work policies to create job security and stability. A re-structuring of the entire “debt directed” credit system. These are practical economic solutions. They are not new or revolutionary. They work.

Political economics are rooted in nationalism and a divisive patriotism. Us vs Them. Them being anybody who is not “us”. Every day more labels are added to ensure there are less of “us” and more of “them”. I know, I can’t keep track anymore either. It gives me a migraine. Political economics are not about solutions for the country or it’s people. It is about power. It is built on a mirage of election promises and small, useless offerings. A Marie Antoinette “give them cake” approach when bread is needed.

We are all, tired. 6 months of a pandemic has worn us out. We don’t want more cake. We want practical economic solutions. We want a safe roof over our heads and food on the table. We want to be valued, not “essential”. We want to work at jobs that provide stable, liveable wages that will support our families.

If it’s America First, then get your asses off the podiums of promise and you, The Politicians, Get To Work! The streets are teaming with people tired of cake. All the political icing won’t change that, we are hungry for a better life.

K vonKrenner
K vonKrenner

Written by K vonKrenner

Karin, a writer, traveler & freelance journalist covers the human story around the world. She tends to be in the wrong place at the right time@ kvkrenner.com

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