Spinning Out of Control

K vonKrenner
4 min readOct 8, 2020


Dunking Donuts

10 doctors today stood outside of Walter Reed Hospital on October 3rd to say, well, nothing regarding President Trumps current health status. They did confirm he Has the virus…Why it took 10 white coats clustered together like a class graduation photo is, well, interesting. Inquiring minds still want some proof.

Four days later, after a very British hand waving road tour, Himself is back at the White House, because the hospital was “boring”. We can all agree with that sentiment. Hospitals and their food are boring as hell. But, as institutions, they do serve a general public service. To keep the public safe and make us all better. Last I checked we were still in the midst of a pandemic.

While at Walter Reed, Trump granted us with a 4 minute video clip as “proof of life”. It quelled the questions for a moment. A very brief moment.

After the doctors finished spinning into silence, Martha Raddatz stepped up to the plate and blithely compared the US to N. Korea. She kept us riveted after that with her deep insight and generous delivery of “we don’t knows” flung out like sprinkles on a Dunkin Donut. Verbal sugar. We know it’s bad for us, but distracted by the pretty colors, we swallow it anyway.

Mary Bruce stayed beige and neutral on how this would effect the current Trump election campaign. She did have opinions disguised as facts, regarding a possible postponement of the Supreme Court Amy Berett nomination. In the virtual world background I could almost hear the Democrats cheering their temporary reprieve even as negotiations on the current stimulus bill came again to a screeching halt.

Anybody else get the feeling nobody gives a damn about the economic, pandemic plight of the American people? Not the Democrats and not the Republicans. Might be time to spread out and throw a new Party or two into the political mix. These two can’t tango and they have stopped the music for Average Joe and Jane.

This journalist is taking bets on Trump rising again like Jesus to lead his Flock to the polls. As conspiracy lovers dispute the validity of Trump actually having the virus, we look forward to the debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence. Am sure Trump will be watching, surrounded in his “quarantine” by both staff and family. I guess being President also entitles you to be a Super Spreader of Covid. Perks of the job?

With the Covid debates taking top news, we are all tingling in anticipation. The Democratic party has demanded 12 feet of distance between the two rather than the new “safe” 7 suggested. Let’s see what the scorecard on masks is. Dems v Reps. Covid v Denial. Nobody is talking about official “guidelines” for the level of acceptable insults before the microphones get shut off. I suggest both parties get some Greek or Italian speech advisors. Take those insults to a real art form and level we can enjoy. American insults and swearing as a pastime is sooo boring and limited.

In “unprecedented times” (we keep forgetting the Spanish Flu predated Covid) How many insults does each side get? Who decides what is an insult vs a legitimate observation..Inquiring minds want to know.

In an “abundance of caution” as we get closer to our upcoming “non-election” perhaps we could recommend full body armour? Hey, anybody besides the market notice the stimulus conversation is now dead in the water, again, until After the elections? No worries, they will spin it back a few more times just to bait the voter waters Before the elections.

Was wondering how close to the elections the vote bribing was going to cruise. This is a whole new approach. Trump is promising us money. He has our best interests at heart. After the election. All those pre-presidential promises. Dunkin Donut sprinkles or just pure glaze?

That interesting“non-election’ referred to in the Biden-Trump infamous debate. That fascinating comment that was lost in the racist furor. That casual off-hander that seemed to say, November 3rd will Not be giving us a new or, used President. In fact, we might not know for “weeks or months” due to issues of counting the votes.

So, where does that leave the stimulus package? Where does that leave actual government? Where does that leave the American people? These days, at the back of the line. And, it is a very long line…



K vonKrenner
K vonKrenner

Written by K vonKrenner

Karin, a writer, traveler & freelance journalist covers the human story around the world. She tends to be in the wrong place at the right time@ kvkrenner.com

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