K vonKrenner
3 min readJul 28, 2020
court watch montgomery

Don’t Shoot The Messenger

With testing finally available, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases will multiply by the day. No, the virus didn’t suddenly arrive in an Amazon package delivery, it was already here, spreading quietly and without the tests, un-counted and ignored.

Across the world governments are now scrambling to adjust to a rapidly evolving new world. A new economy that will test all of our social constructs and beliefs. Our “rights’ both as citizens of each country and, as a global society.

Many Americans are busy filling their storage rooms and emptying the shops of hand sanitizers, bleach, canned goods and, ammunition.

In 2019 the Small Arms Survey noted that American private civilians accounted for approx. 393 million licensed firearms. That’s about 46 % of the worldwide total of private civilian held firearms. The 2nd Amendment in all of its interpretations is taken seriously here.

This translates to about 119.5 firearms for every 100 US residents. The numbers would exponentially increase if one could calculate in the un-registered and illegal weapons.

Lone Star state Texas comes in with the highest number of registered weapons as of 2019. Around 725,368 legal firearms. Rhode Island, on the balance, (size matters) came in at 4,655 registered firearms. Again, note, the term; “registered”. Other countries reel when faced with these numbers. Yes, America has its own private and civilian army. Private, self-proclaimed militias. The attitude is firmly mired in God And Country and a deep distrust of all government. Judge not lest ye be judged.

In the West Coast, along with a spike in newly tested Covid-19 cases, fears are pushing a surge in new levels of ammunition and gun sales. Without clear direction from either local, state or central government offices, people are feeling vulnerable, isolated and un-protected.

In an era of diversity conversations, ethnic fears are escalating and cross-cultural community communications breaking down as a new form of “viral profiling” infects vulnerable immigrant populations.

The Los Angeles Times recently reported that Asian-Americans in the area are facing increased racial venom and finding themselves rapidly becoming social and business outcasts. In Portland, Oregon, Democratic Representative Earl Blumenauer sat down to lunch with the local Chinese community in an effort to disperse anxiety over feelings of prejudice due to COVID-19 and its effects on Asian businesses in the Pearl district. Other states are showing similar trends of a dividing internal population. Red vs Blue is more than Democrates vs Republicans. It is about the fundamental beliefs in how “rights” are interpreted by each side.

As Covid-19 testing spreads across the US, are we counting the social impact costs of fear and fractured government responses? Are we assessing the numbers of employees without job protections in “at will” work environments and now, an entire population without affordable medical responses? A population that may begin to perceive itself under deadly threat without help. Are we socially prepared if they reach for their own answers in the face of an uncertain future and global crisis?

Now, more than ever, we all require the strong, supports of both our own governments and our global economic partners. People need clear communication avenues without the sales pitches or political mud. Journalism not social media fake news. (Previously known as “gossip”). The cat is out of the proverbial bag and it can’t be killed with bullets. It can be managed and eventually defeated by rational government and civilian responses in a connected and communicating global community.

Wash your hands and buy a book, it’s cheaper than a civil war in the long run..

Originally Published: March 2020

K vonKrenner
K vonKrenner

Written by K vonKrenner

Karin, a writer, traveler & freelance journalist covers the human story around the world. She tends to be in the wrong place at the right time@ kvkrenner.com

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