Don’t “Pandemic”
OMG, here we go again. The carousel of Covid. The tinny music of rising numbers as we go another round reaching for the vaccine brass ring. The cacophony of political parties trying to drag us onto their political painted ponies. Holy Hell, it’s elections and a pandemic! Who in the Gods’ major pantheon did we piss off so badly last year?
Some days it seems this entire year of 2020 has been a classic clown nightmare. Stephen King should write a book about “it”. Ignoring the circus the passes for an election process gets harder by the day. The jokers under the Big Tent have finally let the tigers slip. Roger Stone might be a Ring Master extraordinaire but this time, nobody is in control of the zoo. It’s bedlam and anarchy with all the monkeys out of their cages.
But, don’t do a pandemic panic just yet. Social media wants to sell you more tickets to the show. Scalpers skulk near the booths to offer you a final chance at a last minute stage front row. If you don’t buy the roll, you don’t have to take the ride. If there ever was a time to “step-off” the merry-go-round and walk away from the media jugglers, this is it.
Notice how all the show-stoppers vying for your money are the magicians and trapeze acts. They pull promises like multi-colored scarfs from their mouths and offer to walk the economic tight-rope just for you. Don’t gasp in fear at their dizzying exploits. They all have a net to catch them. Remember, it’s all showbiz.
Instead of staying in the Big Tent, take a walk on the wild side. Get outside and check out the other shows. They all want your money, but isn’t it better to do some comparison shopping and find a real deal? Remember, the clowns on the ballots are for sale, not you.
Head out the gate and don’t feed the animals any “likes” or emojis. Ignore their desperate twittering. They know they need you. You, however, don’t need them or the pretty lies.
Winter is coming. But, it’s up to us how long the circus stays in town. Don’t “Pandemic”. Put on a mask, take a walk or read a book. Ignore the circus. It has to leave town eventually. They always do.